Christian Surber
Holistic Examination
of Topical Dermatological Vehicles
Institut of Hospital-Pharmacy, University Clinics, Kantonssptial, Basel, Switzerland
Consumers, patients, doctors (dermatologists), pharmacists and researchers
believe that topical dermatological vehicles comprise distinctive features.
Depending an the point of view the expectations in a vehicle effect may be very
different. Biopharmaceutical, pharmaceutical?technological, pharmacological
physical and cosmetic features are appraised by consumers, patients, dermatologists,
pharmacists and researchers differently. It is analysed which features of a
vehicle are responsible for distinctive effects. Furthermore known and novel
vehicle taxonomies are presented. It is discussed which vehicle effects can
be measured and how these effects can be influenced. The discussion is focused
an the question whether the structural matrix or the sum of the ingredients
(s. figure) are responsible for a distinctive effect.
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